Thursday, May 15, 2008

I'm Happy

Today I want to show you pictures of things that make me H A P P Y!

This is my favorite car. See those yellow buttons on top? If you push one it makes the car play music and if you push another one it makes the car lights light up and if you push another one it makes the car go brooooom and if you push another one it... well, I forget what it does but I know I like it!

This is my special cup. It has Elmo on it. I like Elmo because he's red and red is my favorite color. Umma puts my favorite drinks in this cup - water, 7-up, rootbeer, orinj juice and apple juice.

Umma and Umpa took me to a Festifull. Boy, did I have a good time! Everywhere we went, there was somebody playing music and I really, really like music. I tapped my toes and danced and clapped my hands to the music. I even saw somebody playing a AutoHarp like Umma has! I watched that man play for a long time. I don't know why it doesn't sound like that for me when I bang on the strings with Umma's wooden spoon, but I'm going to keep practicing! Umma always tells me, "Try again." Maybe I will, this time.

This is Umpa. I have breakfast with Umpa every day I'm at his house. Umpa has cereal and I have yogurt. Sometimes we share a bagel. Umpa isn't usually this smiley in the morning.

This is me! Umma picked up my camera and took my picture. And she didn't ask if she could use my camera, but that's OK. I think I'm pretty darned good looking. I like to look at myself in the front of Umma's dishwasher and stove. Umma says, "That's one good looking boy in there!" and she's right.