Saturday, April 12, 2008

My day at Umma's House

Today it was rainy outside, even though I sang the "Rain rain go away" song a whole bunch.

This is Umma's camera. That circle in the front pops out when she turns it on. My camera doesn't do that. I want hers. I don't know why, but somehow I know hers is better than mine.

This is Joey. He's waiting for me to let him out the door even though it's raining outside. I'm big now, so I can open the patio door all by myself, even when Umma locks it first. That lock is easy - just push UP. I might be two, but I'm not stupid, Umma!

This is my Mama. Isn't she pretty? I love Mama and give her lots of hugs and kisses - unless she asks for them. Then I just pretend I don't hear her.

This is Umma's coffee pot. She lets me shake the Sweet n'Low packet for her coffee and then she lets me stir her coffee with a spoon. It's easy -- swish it around a few times and then go tap tap tap on the side of the cup, just like Umma does. I do a great impression of Umpa drinking his coffee -- "Sluurrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrp.....Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!"

You can see crumbs on Umma's counter. I will point every single one of these out to her until she cleans them up.