Monday, October 20, 2008

I love Festibuls!

Umma called me on the phone yesterday and asked me if I wanted to go with her and Umpa to a FESTIBUL! I said YES YES YES! because we always have too much fun when we go to Festibuls. I like music. I like to watch people. I like to clap my hands and dance. I like to see new stuff. That's what a Festibul is in case you don't know already.

This Festibul was in a big field and it had a lot of old old old houses that Umma said were made from trees. When I looked close, I said Yes! Trees!

There were also houses there made from fabric. Umma said some are called "Tents" and some are called "Tee Pees". That TeePee word made me laugh. I won't say what it sounds like!

People there wore funny clothes and the girls all had white hats on and long long dresses. The boys wore funny pants that I wouldn't want to wear. But the boys had GUNS and one time they went out in a big field and shooted the guns. I thought they were fireworks because they banged like that.

A nice lady let me help her use a rock and hit flowers until they smooshed on a piece of white fabric and then the fabric had yellow color on it! I thought that was pretty cool. Umma says we can try that at home, but next time she'll know to keep her fingers out of the way when I'm hitting with the rock. Sorry, Umma.

There was a lady and a man and we sat down to watch them so I could have a snack and a drink and they played music. I just love music! They were really really good and I clapped my hands and tapped my feet a lot. I didn't dance because I just can't seem to dance good when I'm eating crackers and drinking orange juice because I forget about the food and dance dance dance and drop everything on the ground and then Umma won't let me eat it. So I just clapped and tapped and ate. Umma said the lady was playing an "Ah-cord-yan". It was the best thing ever. It had buttons on one side (and I love pushing buttons) and a piano on the other (and I love playing the piano). The man played a guitar and that's another favorite of mine. I had so much fun watching them play music and listening to them sing. I forgot to bring my camera, so I asked Umma if I could take a picture with hers and here it is.

I took a picture of Umpa too. You can see Umpa is having too much fun with me!

We went into a store that was another house made from trees and it had a fireplace and there was really fire in it and it felt good. I saw a pretty green bracelet and asked Umpa if I could buy it for Mama and he said yes because Umpa always says yes. That's why he's Umpa. He also let me buy a sucker but that was one of those things I thought I wanted until I got it but then I didn't want it after all.

I got to walk all day and I got to run run run in a field and I got to sit on a funny chair that Umma said was a Hay Bale and I got to pet a lot a lot a lot of doggies. One lady had a little tiny doggie and her name was Juno and the lady said she liked to be scratched behind her ears and that's what I did.

The best part of the Festibul was watching the people dance and bang on a really big drum and sing songs with words I never heard before. Umma said they are Indians. I think I want to be an Indian when I grow up. Especially if I can have a drum like that. Two girls had on really pretty dresses and they danced. Umma told me they were dancing like butterflies and when I watched, they were just like butterflies with big wings and everything. Just for a little while I sat in my stroller to watch but I was pretty tired from walking all day so it felt good. Umma took a picture of me watching the Indians.

After that we got in the car to go home and I was pretty tired because I didn't have a nap. But then Umpa surprised me and we went to another place! It was a park and it had a bridge and a sidewalk and lots of rocks and some water and a big big big hill and lots of stairs. Umpa and I went for a nice long walk but Umma's camera was out of batteries and I couldn't take pictures. I was sad because it was so pretty. But Umpa said we can go back again sometime so I can bring my own camera and it's batteries WORK.

And when I thought I'd had the best day EVER, it was time to get in the car and Umpa said, "Who wants to go to MacDonald's?" I dooooooo! Don't you think that chicken nuggets are just the perfect way to end a perfect day?

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